Sunday, March 1, 2009


i have to come to see that
love is something we strive to obtain.
many of us are so blinded by that want, that identity of being loved,
that we twist it into things it should not be.
many times, we turn that longing into an objective,
making each person we encounter a measurement of love to fill ourselves.
just to feel better about who we are, our friends or even acquaintances become our safeguards because of that longing to belong.
to the point of superficially making bonds (by overly trying to please others or trying to keep their attention), we have turned love into a pride factor.
we have twisted love overly out of context.

love in its truest sense is beautiful.
it is not about obtaining, nor is it about proving it to others.
it is about giving (more than gaining) and mutually receiving a sense of trust, a sense of spirituality of love.
love is about digging deep and giving those incompatible with us, those we absolutely dislike, a chance.
it is about being satisfied with ourselves because of assurance in God’s love.
we are all capable of love, and in many ways we try to express and prove this love
but this search for true love is humanly flawed
Only through God is it perfectly lovely.

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