Friday, February 27, 2009


Change #1:
i feel unobligated to write in korean anymore.
hence, my english.

Change #2:
my new yr resolutions never came up,
but in tryin to make "progress"
the nyr of two months ago (gosh its gone by sooo fast)were:
-to be a better/nicer/more non-judgemental/more loving/cleaner/healthier/more reflective/more Christian person.

i have become more aware of what i need to improve on. but as of two months passing, i dont think i have made a lot of progess with these resolutions. refocus is necessary.

Change #3:
lent started yesterday. in reflecting on my "idol" and gluttonous behavior with food, i have decided to give up crap food for lent again. it also goes along the lines of being more reflective and healthier from my new yrs resolutions.
its been workin out for the most part. i forgot twice, and ate a itty bitty pinch of cake yesterday and two popcorns today. and i also snacked on banana chips (a lot) if that counts...
need to keep focus on God now.